joi, 31 martie 2011

Visiting the world's most expensive cities

Do visits to London is supposed to be really expensive, really? "So that is why this cry of sign" free admission"?"

If you visit near Greenwich, you may experience two important, historic and intriguing places without spending money for admission. National Maritime Museum provides useful information on maritime past of England. Nearby is the Royal Observatory, which is the place where the world according to zero degrees of longitude of the label. You can even make a cheesy tourist image with one foot in the Western hemisphere and the other in the Eastern hemisphere. You will learn about the efforts over the centuries to understand the solar system. It is an evening that will never forget, and is free.

These findings are not all that rare in so-called expensive cities. Wherever you go, you can enter travel experiences worth with little or no cost. Consider the possibility of 12 cities are among the most expensive 50 mayors more recent classification. Do click through them, you will find features in each one of them that create opportunities to save money.